Organic Vs Natural

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Confused? Many people are. Surveys conducted by advertising agencies found that many consumers trust the term “natural” more than “organic” because they believe natural is more regulated. Just the opposite is true. “Natural” and “organic” are not interchangeable terms. You may see “natural” and other terms such…

The Center for Food Safety

The Center for Food Safety works to protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. To learn more on how The Center for Food Safety operates and what their objectives are go


For centuries we have farmed the land using water, sun and organic farming techniques of crop rotation, adding nitrogen rich plants for tilling to replenish nutrients. When these techniques are employed synthetic fertilizers and other chemicals are not needed.  There have been many food crops that have undergone safe and successful hybridization techniques to ward…

Why Use Organic Seeds

This article is taken from Garden Harvest Supply and is in response to a frequently asked question by their customers and I have had the same question from friends and colleagues. I believe this covers the bases well. You may choose to visit their site by using the link above. – Chef Bren Ankrum –…