
Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor A major vegetable in the south, okra, like corn, is synonymous with summer. It is often grown year-round in southern climates that do not have frost, as it stops producing once temperatures go below 50 degrees. Okra is cultivated in tropical and warm climates. It is among…


Contributed by Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor   If you are like most home gardeners in Florida, right now you have a lot of select produce coming in from your garden; eggplant, more eggplant and okra. I posted this article last summer but like to remind folks that eggplant can be used in so many…


  Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor   Want to lose weight? Eating more beans can help you achieve that goal. Beans are very nutritious, loaded with fiber, low in fat, cholesterol and calories, inexpensive, have a very long shelf life and are very filling, thus satisfying. There are so many varieties that…

Dietary Iron

Most people think spinach when they hear about eating foods rich in iron (thanks Popeye!), but spinach is not the highest or best form of dietary iron. Why do you need iron? Read on……

To Carb or not to Carb?

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., FACOG – Nutritional Editor Poor carbohydrates; so misunderstood. Blamed for all the diet evils of the world including obesity and all it’s related health problems. So many people tell me they have cut carbohydrates out of their diet and then report that they are eating more salads and fresh…


From Eat, Drink, and Weigh Less, Authors Mollie Katzen and Walter Willett, M.D. All fruits and vegetables are good for you but no one of either contain everything thing you need for good health.

Eating Right When You Have Cancer

Article courtesy of Jillian McKee, Outreach Center Director at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, Syracuse, NY Jillian McKee has worked as the Complementary Medicine Advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance since June of 2009. Jillian spends most her time on outreach efforts and spreading information about the integration of complementary and alternative medicine when used in…


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Few foods are known for ramping up endorphins more than chile peppers. Chile aficionados can hardly eat a meal without them, and love a challenge to eat hotter and hotter peppers. There are many good reasons to love chile peppers


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor If you could get your hands on something non-pharmaceutical positively shown to lower cholesterol and prevent many cancers like colon, lung and prostate, would you take it? This “product” is available and has been for thousands of years. What is it?


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor I write about a lot of powerhouse vegetables, and the beet ranks among the top of the list, but it also has some unique properties unlike other top-of-the-list veggies.

Pink Slime

What is Pink Slime? It is an ammonia-treated ground beef filler. For those who may have missed this on the national news, please read on regarding ground meat in your grocery store and children’s cafeteria. Are we seeing a trend about what is wrong with our food supply and Big Ag? Read the article at…


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor More than apples, an onion a day may well keep all the doctors away! As it turns out, onions are a super food for health and cancer prevention.


Article courtesy of Diana Palmer, BS, CPT Fat is a subject most of us are familiar with in one way or another.  The battle of the bulge seems to be at its all time high and “growing”.  The current topic is not going to address dietary fat.  Instead I will delve into body fat.

Servings vs Portions

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Is the fish above a serving or a portion? If you place the whole fish on your plate it is a portion. Servings and portions are not created equal. The terms are often used interchangeably, but the meanings are very different and can make a big difference…


Article courtesy of Diana Palmer, BS, CPT Here come the holidays, time of celebration and cheer.  With parties and jubilation come the pitfalls of diet and exercise sabotage.  So how can you celebrate and be cheerful without looking like Santa.  Try these helpful hints:


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O, Nutrition Editor Little but big on taste and nutrition, shrimp (Caridea, swimming decapod crustaceans, as opposed to their crawling cousins the lobster and crayfish) are America’s favorite seafood, accounting for 30% of the seafood sold in the US.

Sweet Potatoes

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor This is a vegetable you want to eat often! They are inexpensive, satisfying and a powerhouse of health and nutrition. The sweet potato is one of the oldest and most nutritious of all vegetables, dating back to prehistoric times.

The Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor The glycemic index (GI) is a numerical system of measuring how much of a rise in circulating blood sugar a carbohydrate triggers–the higher the number, the greater the blood sugar response.  However, the GI is not based on commonly consumed portion-sizes of foods.  So by using the…

Khorasan Wheat

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Khorasan is an ancient Egyptian wheat 2 times larger, but a relative of, modern day durham wheat. Somewhat new to North America, its recognition started around 1986, but is believed to have been brought to the US in 1949 via an airman who got the wheat kernels…

Supplementation: Science or Hype – Part 2

Article courtesy of Diana Palmer, BS, CPT Now that we’ve cleared up the marketing terminology regarding “grades,” as discussed in Supplementation – Part 1, let’s get to the real crux of the matter. The United States is the only non-third world country that does NOT require Federal scrutiny when it comes to supplements and their…


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Will an apple a day keep the doctor away? It appears there may be a lot of merit to this statement. The health benefits of eating a daily apple have been known for a long time but mainly because it is a fresh, fibrous fruit. In the…

Organic vs Natural – Follow up

Back in July Dr. Hargrove posted an explanatory article about the difference between so called Natural Food products and Organic Products. As a follow up or addendum we are adding a new resource link to The Cornucopia Institute and their report on Natural vs. Organic, specifically cereals and granola’s, and the ongoing consumer confusion caused…

Healthy Eating Plate – Harvard Health Publications

A note from Donna Hargrove, D.O., FACOG, – Nutritional Editor and Chef Bren Anrkum – Culinary Editor Dr. Hargrove and I subscribe to the idea that nutritionally sound food choices create a solid foundation for improved overall health. We believe that whole foods are key to successful health improvement and maintenance. In particular, we believe,…


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Magnesium is a very important mineral that our body requires on a daily basis in a fairly large amount. It is one of the six macrominerals (sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium and phosphorus) that is essential for normal cellular activity, activating enzymes, contributing to energy production, regulating calcium,…

Black Pepper

Pepper, Piper nigrum, is known as the King of Spices. It was the first recorded spice dating back more than 4000 years, heavily sought after with countries sailing hundreds of miles to obtain it, traded for currency and associated with wealth and power. It is still the most widely used spice and third most added…


Article courtesy of Diana Palmer, BS, CPT  Let’s begin by saying the very best way to get your vitamins, minerals, omega’s, anti-oxidants and all the other things that you keep hearing that you need, is from whole foods; period. What is a whole food? Generally, it contains only one ingredient: the vegetable, fruit or protein…


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor The avocado, Persea americana, native to Central Mexico, is a fruit, specifically a berry (like the tomato), and is a powerhouse of nutrition and health. Avocados belong to the Laurel family of plants which also includes cinnamon, bay leaves, sassafras and camphor. Known by many in the…


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Tomatoes, Lycopersicon esculentum, are a member of the nightshade family, a diverse group of over 2,800 species of plants which also includes potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tobacco and morning glory, to name a few. For a long time, tomatoes were not eaten due to the…


Article by Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Honey is a food made by honeybees (Apis mellifera) that have collected nectars from a variety of sources, usually many types of flowers. The nectar mixes with the bee’s digestive juices, which partially digests the mixture that forms honey, where it is then stored in the wax honeycombs…


Article by Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Garlic, Allium sativum, is king among the oldest known horticultural crops. The Allium (Latin word for garlic) group are flowering plants known as the onion genus, and contain other related vegetables such as leeks, shallots, chives, onions and scallions. Alliums are native mainly to Asia. Garlic grows wild…

The Amazing Artichoke!

Article by Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Few vegetables can compete with the artichoke for providing large amounts of phytonutrients, minerals and fiber. Its GI health benefits have been known for centuries, yet the artichoke is still a mystery to many people. History: Humans have been eating artichokes, Cynara scolymus, for more than 3000 years.

Principles of the Mediterranean Diet

Following the principles of the Mediterranean Diet has shown to prevent or reduce the risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. The Mediterranean diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps a glass of red wine — among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style…


Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”), is an ancient grain dating back to 3000 B.C, which has recently been rediscovered.  Native to the Andean region of South America, the Incas were the first to recognize its value to increase the stamina of their warriors. Quinoa is the seed of a leafy plant in the same family as beets,…

Sea Grapes

Contributed by Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Prolific, environmentally sound and good to eat! Sea Grapes, or Coccoloba uvifera, is a flowering plant in the buckwheat family. It is native to coastal beaches throughout America and the Caribbean. It is an evergreen shrub or small tree reaching 7-26 feet. Sea Grapes are very salt tolerant,…

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is made by bacterial fermentation of milk sugar (lactose), creating lactic acid which acts on milk protein to yogurt its distinctive texture and taste. Greek yogurt is yogurt made with higher live and active cultures that has been allowed to sit in muslin or cheesecloth bags to filter out the whey, giving it a…