Just Keep Moving – Set a Target

Hello again! Since we last visited, I am sure you have been walking for exercise, right?  Good, now I want you to set a target for your exercise. Ideally, this would be an  event . Perhaps a 5 k (3.1 miles) walk to support a cause. That way you will feel good about yourself AND…


Article courtesy of Diana Palmer, BS, CPT Fat is a subject most of us are familiar with in one way or another.  The battle of the bulge seems to be at its all time high and “growing”.  The current topic is not going to address dietary fat.  Instead I will delve into body fat.

Servings vs Portions

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Is the fish above a serving or a portion? If you place the whole fish on your plate it is a portion. Servings and portions are not created equal. The terms are often used interchangeably, but the meanings are very different and can make a big difference…


Article courtesy of Diana Palmer, BS, CPT Here come the holidays, time of celebration and cheer.  With parties and jubilation come the pitfalls of diet and exercise sabotage.  So how can you celebrate and be cheerful without looking like Santa.  Try these helpful hints:


Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Triglycerides are the good, the bad and the ugly. How you ask? Well, we can’t live without them, but too much and they can kill you.

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is made by bacterial fermentation of milk sugar (lactose), creating lactic acid which acts on milk protein to yogurt its distinctive texture and taste. Greek yogurt is yogurt made with higher live and active cultures that has been allowed to sit in muslin or cheesecloth bags to filter out the whey, giving it a…

Fidget for Your Health!

Remember being somewhere and having a parent or relative tell you to “stop fidgeting” and sit still, you’re driving me crazy! Unintentionally they may have set in motion a behavior, sitting still, that may be seen as “good manners” but in fact may contribute to heart and respiratory morbidity and thus a threat to our…

Why We Need Vegetables

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition Editor Even though everyone knows that vegetables are good for you, 7 out 10 Americans still do not meet the daily recommendations for vegetables.  And, Americans are eating less today than 10 years ago.  Consumers say their main reasons for not getting enough vegetables are not liking the…